Posts Tagged ‘personal’

Starting Over

I guess there’s a time in everyone’s life – no matter who they are, how old they are, where they’re from – when they just have to let go of everything and start over. When, after a turning point in their life, they just have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and forget the past. When they’ve reached a catharsis, and just need to drop the extra baggage to be able to continue on without anything weighing them down.

In movies and books, the main character would probably reach the end of a proverbial/metaphorical journey, where their coming-of-age-tale would come to its close. It would leave off with the hint of a new beginning, something great ahead of the main character(s), and all would be right in their little world (or they’ll have to to accept that life isn’t perfect, but be okay with that, blah blah blah).

Yeah, that has nothing to do with this entry or me. I haven’t even read a good book or seen a good movie like that since my last entry.

… continue reading this entry.